Fun Family Games At Home with GB Racers

The first race lineup is always the same with team red taking pole position followed by teams yellow, blue, orange, silver and black as the back markers. Team red on the pole sit side by side only 2 spaces from the F77  & three from our first GB. These are the first corner rich reward spaces for all 12 cars to reach out for on their 1st turns.  The back markers have a clear advantage as the other 5 teams may turn over a red seven card which will move the back marker onto the F77 giving them not only an extra turn but also a first crack at a mega-move!

Fun Family Games At Home with GB Racers

Picture of Tony


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GB Racers from Appleton Games, is a new exciting board game infusing the ‘Appleton Way’  A sporting chance of success for everyone, every time.

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